Frederic BANTIGNIES (Chromatin and Cell Biology lab, Institute of Human Genetics - CNRS
EpigeneSys Network of Excellence, Laboratory of Excellence EpiGenMed, Montpellier)
Polycomb-dependent transgenerational inheritance of chromatin states in Drosophila
Luis Miguel CHEVIN (Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, Montpellier)
Plasticité et adaptation aux environnements fluctuants ou nouveaux
Fabrice ROUX (Laboratoire des Interactions Plantes - Microorganismes, Toulouse)
The genetic of plant-plant interactions in Arabidopsis thaliana
Caroline E THOMSON
(Laboratoire Evolution et Diversité Biologique)
A guide to using a multiple-matrix animal model to disentangle genetic and non-genetic causes of phenotypic variance